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  • Writer's pictureMeghann Ormond

Up for some business as unusual?

Developing interdisciplinary research is no easy task. It takes time and effort to build creative, fruitful and joyous interdisciplinary collaborations. And the complexity of interdisciplinary research requires the awareness and use of a specific set of competences for which not all academics are optimally prepared.

Together with a great team, I've been working with the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) since late 2021 to help re-envision its Spark and Unusual Collaborations grants as an individual and collective interdisciplinary learning journey designed to better equip research teams to take up the challenge of unusual collaboration and co-creation.

Now the time has finally arrived for us to prototype the new Spark journey! We begin Spark Phase 1 on 12 September at the CUCo Nest with a group of 10 fantastic scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds from TU/e, WUR and UU.

This week I spent a couple of days with the wonderful Anke de Vrieze and Corinne Lamain from CUCo and WUR to put the finishing touches on Phase 1 of the Spark learning journey. All I can say now is that it's going to be an out-of-this-world experience!

CUCo is an initiative of the Young Academies part of the EWUU university alliance (TU/e, WUR, UU, UMCU).

For more info about CUCo:

Interested in participating? A new Spark learning journey will begin in late March 2023! Join us!

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